My new blog! I'm too excited about beginning this journey. I'm not sure what will come from blogging other than finding solace from it. I do know that it will be very therapeutic, just like my journaling has been. I'm ready. This will be a great way to get my thoughts out, express how I'm feeling - good or bad - and be able to effectively be there for those who are going through the same struggles. I want to be a guide; someone that people can look up to if they need it. I hope that this blog can be here when you need that escape.
The main objective of this blog is to have vivid memories of everything that I go through going forward. I realize that I have my journal for this purpose, too, but I want another source. My journal is also a private place for me, where as this is a public place. However, for the most part, I will be posting the same things here that I do in my journal - I'm an open book - but this will be a fun experience. I've never had a blog, so here goes nothing!
Yay Ben, good for you! I look forward to reading it!!!